Monday, October 12, 2015

Indie Speedrun! October 2015

So I had the pleasure of working with some friends on an Indie Speedrun challenge this weekend. For those of you that don't know (I didn't before this actually) is a website that lets you create a team and for a small fee your team can enter a 48 hour create a game contest. Once you sign up you are given a clock with 48 hours on it, a theme, and an asset that must be in your game. Once that is done you just complete whatever game you want that contains the requirements and submit it to be judged the following month. It was a blast to work on this and it really forced me to learn a lot on the fly. I was tasked as the teams animator, but also the rigger and part time modeler, so me, another modeler (Kp Kriengkomo), and our programmer ( Ashley Ross) got to work.

Here is a video of the main assets I worked on, the only 3 characters in the game. Aside from this I mainly worked on small props and other models for the game such as the planets, some rocks, and small knick knacks. You can download the game at it's called Flight of the Jellyfish!

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